Everyone has at some point thought about what it would be like to hit the jackpot. Now, what would you actually do if you did win big?
Here are a few ideas to get you started if you should ever find yourself in a position where you have won a lot of money.
Settle your debts
We have all borrowed some money from a friend or family member at some point in our lives, and sometimes you’ll find the debt can either be a little bit to pay back, or a lot more than you initially thought. A smart choice to make with unexpected winnings is to pay your friends back. They may not even remember this little bit that you borrowed from them so long ago, but nonetheless, your friends will appreciate you paying them back, and you will definitely score extra points with them if you do.
Treat yourself with a fabulous meal
A great way to celebrate hitting the jackpot is to treat yourself to that restaurant you only go to when there is a special occasion. You deserve to give yourself a reward for winning big. The best Italian pasta around, a prime steak cooked to perfection, a lobster, whatever the case may be, just do it! If you won a lot of money, you could invite a friend along to join in your celebration.
Get yourself some new clothes
Having that extra cash gives you the opportunity to do things that you kind of gave up on before. Shopping is a great way to get rid of frustrations and buying those items that you could not afford before, just makes you feel better. We are not saying that you must blow it all, but go get those shoes or that jacket that you really want!
Throw a party
Celebrating your winnings with friends at a BBQ or party sounds like a fantastic way to enjoy your success. Adding some smoking accessories from a nearby smoke shop can definitely enhance the fun for those who enjoy it. Of course, ordering food and drinks to accompany the festivities is a great idea too. It’s your hard-earned money, and celebrating with friends can create lasting memories and enjoyment. Just remember to enjoy responsibly and within legal limits.
Try a new hobby
You might not be able to think of anything that you would like to spend your cash on and if that is the case, why not try a new hobby? Things like painting, spelunking, photography, painting or even scuba diving are always exciting to give a go, and you will have the cash to start with some lessons and the gear that you need. Finding a new hobby could just become something you love so much that you keep on doing it forever.
Upgrading your home
If you win loads of cash, why not give your home a makeover? Perhaps the flooring of your house has worn out and needs replacing, or the exteriors look a bit drab and require attention from home painters. Maybe you need to change the furniture pieces or get the leaky roof repaired. There could be a host of things on your property that may need fixing. The money you win can be used to address them.
Buying other new stuff
It does depend on how much money you have won, but there are all types of goodies you can buy with some “pocket change”. How about that tablet, camera, or laptop that you have always looked at, but could never afford to buy? You could even get yourself an e-reader to kickstart the reading habit you’ve always put off. It would open the door for you to explore fiction, slow burn romance, philosophy, and just about anything you’re interested in reading. The list is endless, the things you could buy, but of course, you should get those things that can be useful to you, or teach you a thing or two you’ll enjoy for the rest of your life.
Go on a road trip
Travel to somewhere you have never been to before. You do not need to even leave the country to travel. You can pack your car with your gear, grab your mates, fill up with fuel, and get out on the open road. Be spontaneous and do not plan where you are going – just go and see where you end up! It is very exciting to do this, but remember to take enough cash with you or you may get stuck.
Buy a few gifts
This is always something that you can do to make other people happy with the money that you won. You could consider buying a finger ring from a place like jacobs the jeweller for your mother as a sign of appreciation on Mother’s Day; you could take your partner out on a romantic date to a lovely place; there is also an option of purchasing your father an elegant watch as a token of love. Buy your loved ones something that they have always wanted, or you can go mad and buy something that will shock the pants off them – it is up to you!
An Extreme makeover for yourself
Again, this depends on how much money you won, but you can either choose to give yourself a makeover or revamp your house if you have the money to do it. A change is as good as a holiday and if you do not feel like travelling, this can be a great way to spend your time and winnings.