Why Is It a Bad Idea to Pull Out a Baby Tooth?

Baby teeth are naturally designed to fall out when the time is right. However, many children are eager to hasten the process, often enticed by the promise of tooth fairy rewards. Additionally, dealing with a loose tooth can be quite bothersome. Some parents might even consider it safer to help a nearly loose tooth out rather than risk it coming out unexpectedly and potentially posing a choking hazard.

Yet, in situations like these, seeking advice from a Dentist Hamilton (or your local area) is the wiser course of action. A professional can offer expert guidance on how to manage the situation. They can also evaluate the situation’s seriousness and provide necessary treatment if required. Failing to consult a professional can lead to a range of potential problems, some of which are outlined below.

Whatever your reasoning, you should never pull out a baby tooth yourself. Here are just a few reasons why.

You Could Cause Infection

Baby teeth don’t fall out at the drop of a hat. Yes, they come out naturally, but that process needs to take place slowly. The tooth will become looser as the root that holds it down slowly dissolves. When the tooth finally does come out, the root structure will be practically all gone. If the tooth is pulled before its time, the root will break off instead of detaching as nature intended. The wound will be left open, which could lead to infection. If you see this happening, it can be important to schedule a visit with The Number One Emergency Dentist In Miami, Florida, or a similar professional elsewhere to treat the issue. Remember, the infection spreads quickly in children since they don’t have developed immune systems.

You Could Damage Underlying Teeth

Baby teeth act as substitutes before the adult teeth come in, and that means more than letting younger children eat and talk normally; baby teeth also hold space for permanent teeth. Baby teeth play an important role in the development of a child’s jaw size and shape. Without them, the shape of the adult teeth could be affected. They also help guide the adult teeth into the correct position.

You Could Be Responsible for Misaligned Teeth

When a baby tooth is pulled, the pressure needed to extract it can damage the underlying structures responsible for supporting the tooth. As a result, adult teeth may not come out properly and end up appearing misaligned. Conditions like this often require the intervention of an experienced orthodontist — someone potentially similar to Dr Peter Brawn (drpeterbrawn.com) — who will recommend braces, veneers, or Invisalign depending on the individual needs. Although solutions are available, it is always best to prevent such a problem from happening.

You’ll Cause Pain

Finally, keep in mind that pulling a baby’s tooth can be very painful. People often underestimate the pain involved since baby teeth can seem just about ready to drop out of their own accord. In fact, even breaking off a small amount of root structure can be extremely painful, and that’s clearly not something you want to put your child through.

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