Top tips for new university students

Going to university can be one of the most exciting times of your life but it’s fair to say some new students settle in to life on campus easier than others. If it’s your first time living away from home there are a few things to get to grips with, from feeding yourself properly to budgeting correctly. Here are some tips to help you settle in more easily:


Get organised

When you first arrive at university it’s a good idea to unpack your possessions to make your room feel more homely and to find out if you’ve got everything you need. If you haven’t, kill two birds with one stone by taking a stroll to the local shops and getting a feel for the area. If you’re likely to be using public transport regularly it’s worth finding out where your nearest stop is, as well as picking up a timetable. It’s also a good idea to sign on with a new GP, pick up an NUS card (giving you access to those all-important discounts!) and – most importantly – sign up for your course!

Share the load

Communal living isn’t always easy and at times you’ll probably need to bite your lip to put up with the bad habits of others. However, it’s worth trying to get along with the people you live with if you can. Offer to cook one night as this is a great way of getting everyone together and – if you choose your ingredients wisely or agree to split the costs – won’t require you to get your credit card out to afford it! Who knows? Your flatmate might return the favour and be a culinary genius!

Enjoy freshers’ week and plan your budget

Your first week at university is likely to be busier than normally in a number of ways, with loads of freshers’ events designed to help you settle in and meet new people. Take advantage of these as best possible as they’re a great way to find out more about the place you’ll be living and – in the case of a freshers’ fair – can often see you walking away with a bundle of freebies. However, once that’s out of the way it’s worth taking a look at how much money you have to spend. Factor in all your incomings and outgoings to find out if you’re realistically going to be able to keep your head above water as things stand. Using a budget planner is a good way to help your through this.  If finances are looking tight there’s no need to panic as a number of solutions are available. You could apply for a credit card or get a part-time job and it’s always worth speaking to your student union to see if they can offer any assistance.

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