Currently, most world economies are really struggling and finding it difficult to create enough jobs to accommodate the ever-increasing labour market. The stiff competition for jobs has made it necessary for employers to take qualifications into consideration so high that if your act isn’t together you stand very little chance of getting absorbed.
You’ve decided to change jobs, you’ve done a UK job search online to find the right vacancy for you and get an interview – now all you need to do is pass it! Follow these tips by City Calling to help you ace your interview.
1. Research well in Advance
It is very important to do a thorough or exhaustive research about the company in prospect before going for the interview. This is such a basic requirement because you ordinarily can’t confidently handle questions about a company you know very little about. Make an effort to learn much about its products, services, its customers, and its competitive edge on the market as this will equip you with a proper understanding when addressing questions on the company’s needs. The more facts you know about the company, its agenda, and its policies, the greater the chance you have of selling yourself during the interview. Furthermore, depending on the role you’re applying for in the company, you need to be prepared to answer any specific queries the recruiters might have. So, if you’re going in for a supervisory job, it might be a good idea to research a wide range of top supervisor interview questions so that you aren’t caught off-guard. The more well-researched you are about the company and the position, the better chance you’ll have of acing the interview and landing the job.
2. Be Well Groomed
The ‘first impression’ is very important and greatly determines if people will take you seriously or not. Therefore before leaving your house, carefully select your dress code. You can do this based on the industry or prospective position. Buy nice and matching interview clothes or just take time to comb your wardrobe, select, and press them well. Though not a must, you can also wear a mild cologne to just condition the air around you. Good looks and smell have the potential to boost one’s confidence in ways they never anticipated. Pay attention to your face and hair as well. If you have a beard, make sure it is groomed well using a specialized beard balm. It might make sense to buy it from a company like Best Beardcare, which specialize in beard products. If you’re wondering Why this Beard Balm is different, it will make sure your facial hair looks neat and smooth. Also, make sure your hair is styled, and your overall look is one exuding professionalism and confidence.
3. Be Well Prepared
Remember to carry a folder having additional copies of your CV, an extra copy of your references, and a paper to scribble important notes. You also need to write down some questions in advance to ask when winding up the interview. If you need help with crafting your CV, you may want to look into helpful resources like or something similar, to see how you can best present yourself on paper to these employers.
4. Be Punctual
Punctuality is a sign that one’s mind is clear and well-focused on what they are about to do. It means that they had high expectations and hence disallowed all distractions to be there in good time. Make it a habit never to arrive late before an interview panel because whatever excuse you give, this late arrival would have taken away something from your scores. Leave your house early to beat factors like traffic jams or losing direction. Ideally one should be within the interview premises 10 to 15 min earlier.
5. Be Enthusiastic
Standing before new, mean faces can be a dreadful prospect. However, you ought to rehearse early on how you intend to beat such fears. A firm handshake and lots of eye contact show that you are confident. Though your voice may feel a bit shaky, you need to muster artificial courage and speak in a distinct and confident voice.
6. Be a good Listener
Good listening is the most neglected yet very crucial interview skill. Just ensure you listen and interpret unsaid content between the lines at the same time. In some cases what isn’t said is just as crucial as what is said.
7. Answer Questions Accordingly
Due to tension, most candidates never really think about whether they are answering questions in a fitting, accurate, and corresponding manner. Before sending back an answer, compose yourself, internalize, and comprehend the question. If unsure, feel free to ask for further clarification. Additionally, to elevate your responses, leverage resources tailored for preparing to answer interview questions well and guide you on how to answer critical thinking questions, such as books, blogs and articles, online courses and practice interviews. By dedicating time to these preparations, you can approach your interview with enhanced poise and clarity, significantly boosting your chances of success.
8. Arm yourself with Specific examples
Specific examples or illustrations from your own background can outshine 60 vague tales. You can meditate, reflect, and have these personal stories before the interview day. Their impact lie in the fact that one’s past behavior can point to their future performance.
9. Don’t Fear to Ask Questions
Many people attending interviews hesitate to ask questions and forfeit a free source of valuable information. The questions one asks also suggest their level of interest in the job and company as a whole.
10. Make a follow up
Don’t just leave the interview hall and hope for all to go well. Make some follow-ups using the most effective means at your disposal. This can be email or regular mail. An interview follow up is an extra chance to remind your panel of interviewers of the amazing traits you would bring to the company. In fact a follow up helps one share some of the thoughts they forgot during the live session. This is a chance you should leverage to showcase your extra attributes
A cool and confident look is a major key for success in any interview. Although it doesn’t happen naturally in anyone’s case, early preparation can put you in a better position to remain composed, cool and confident. No one can quite confidently predict what their interview holds but if you choose to follow these top job interview tips , you’ll remain less anxious, firm and positive about an interview experience