Tap Water Services Have More Consumers Satisfied

More customers have come out in affirmation of their belief that they’re getting value for money with regards to the service delivered by their water service company. The satisfaction levels are at a five year high, according to the annual ‘Water Matters’ survey conducted by the Consumer Council for Water (CCWater).


The results of the survey were published on 28 June 2016, showing that a little over three quarters of households in England and Wales believe their water companies are providing them with value for money.

This signals that the industry is headed in the right direction as satisfaction levels are currently five percent higher than they were in 2011. Spearheading this upswing in positive sentiment are Yorkshire Water and Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, basking in the glory of having the most satisfied customers. 83 percent of customers are satisfied with Yorkshire Water’s sewerage service while 82 percent are satisfied with the value for money they’re getting for their tap water, supplied by Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water.

While Tony Smith (Chief Executive, Consumer Council for Water) attributed the upswing in satisfaction levels to a joint effort to provide a better service by the various water companies, he also highlighted the need for some further work to be done in reaching more customers, some of whom may not even know of the benefits they might be missing out on.

“It’s no coincidence that satisfaction levels have risen at the same time water companies have shown a greater commitment to listen to what their customers want. The signs are encouraging but the job is not done. Many customers who genuinely cannot afford their bills are missing out on assistance schemes which could ease the pressure on thousands of households. We’re working hard with the industry to change this.”

The study’s revelations with regards to customers’ satisfaction with the tap water they receive maintained very impressive levels at 93 percent. Satisfaction with sewerage services also remained extremely high at 91 percent.

The full survey by CCWater along with the analysis of the results gives consumers a great platform through which to compare their own water company with the average and individual standards of other water suppliers. At the end of the day, it is indeed about customer satisfaction, an indicator with which you can’t really go wrong. Know that customer satisfaction is something that can decide your fate, whether you will end up having good fortune or be surrounded by the clouds of despairs and financial stress. Let’s say that you have a water company that often sends inaccurate water bills to the consumers. Would the customers be happy with this behaviour? Of course not! Instead, if you send accurate utility bills (possibly by using technological solutions like Utility Management Software), then there is a high chance that your customers will be happier and more content, which means that they will recommend your company and give you a chance to earn more money.

Anyway, with regards to some of the other featured water and sewerage companies in England and Wales, five out of ten of them all saw a steady rise in satisfaction levels since 2011. These include South West Water, Wessex Water, Severn Trent Water, Anglian Water, and United Utilities.

Interestingly enough, more customers believe water companies (73%) care more about the quality of the service they deliver than energy suppliers (68%).

Other findings include:

  • Only 20% of customers had knowledge of the fact that they’re entitled to a rebate in the event that none of the surface water drainage from their property runs into the public sewer
  • Only 33% of homeowners had knowledge of the fact that their sewer company is responsible for the resolution of any problems experienced with the shared sewerage pipes on their property

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