Pregnancy Pain Relief: Have You Tried A Tens Machine?

It’s very common to experience aches and pains during pregnancy and labour. There are many methods you can try to relieve this pain, including practicing good posture and exercise. You can also use CBD oil to treat back pain brought on by increased pressure on your spine. Just have a look at some florida dispensary discounts to save money on the CBD you choose to buy.

These are some tried and tested methods, but have you considered using a tens machine? A tens machine is a small device probably about the size of a little tape player. You use stick electrode pads on your lower back and the tens machine can work magic for your labour pains!

pregnant woman

What Does A Tens Machine Do?

A tingling sensation is created in your nerve cells as the machine makes electrical pulses and sends them to the area your electrode pads are connected to. It’s easy to operate and you fully control the intensity. You use the dial on the machine to turn the tempo up or down.

Can A Tens Machine Help In Labour?

Yes, a tens machine can help in labour. It’s believed that using one of these machines can block pain messages from the brain and can also help to release the body’s own natural painkillers (endorphins).

How Does It Feel?

When using a tens machine properly you should feel pleasant tingling sensations! It won’t completely block out the pain of labour, but it should block out a lot of unpleasant pain and help you relax. It’s best to start using the machine as soon as you go into labour as the earlier you use it the more effective it’ll be!

Where Can I Get A Tens Machine?

You don’t actually purchase your own tens machine, you can hire an Elle tens machine from a company or rent one from your hospital. Some hospitals may even have workshops that show you exactly how to effectively use one of these machines – it could be useful to go along!

Are There Any Side Effects?

The only people who are unable to use tens machines are those with pacemakers or epilepsy. No side effects have been reported when using these machines, however you shouldn’t use them when not in labour. A tens machine is safe to use with other methods of pain relief such as gas and air and pethidine, but if in doubt consult your doctor or nurse. Just remember you may find it hard concentrating on using the machine if you have had other methods of pain relief that could make you drowsy.

With a tens machine, you’ll be in control of your pain relief, receive mild pain relief, and be able to make use of a drug free method of pain relief. The only downside to a tens machine is that you must start using it in your early stages of labour otherwise it won’t work. Not every hospital will be able to provide you with one, so find out ASAP and look into hiring one from somewhere else if you have to. Don’t be fooled into thinking you’ll have an easy labour – it won’t magically make all of the pain disappear! However it will give mild pain relief and even distract you from labour.


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