In the UK, there are still a worryingly high number of people who die without making a Will which means that their estate is subject to the laws of intestacy and inheritance. Nowadays it is a lot easier to get help writing your will from a solicitor so it is unfortunate that so many people do still die without making …
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Tips for Travelling to Menorca with Small Children
Taking a holiday with your little ones is very different from going alone with your significant other. You need to find a place that every member of the family will enjoy, which can sometimes be a difficult task. It will take a lot of planning in order to have the best possible holiday. This is the case with most parents …
Read More »6 Ideas For Selling Your Kid’s Unwanted Clothes
Children grow so quickly, sometimes it’s hard to keep up with them. Kitting them out with a new wardrobe can become a stressful and all too frequent occurrence. If you have a whole brood of little ones, then this exercise can become extremely expensive, and they may only wear something a couple of times before it’s too small. Image Source …
Read More »TSB Is Back in Business
More than two hundred years ago, there was a man who went by the name Henry Duncan. Henry Duncan was a Reverend in Dumfriesshire, and he wanted badly to help out some of the more impoverished people in his parish. In 1810, he decided to do something about this, and he created a bank, with the view of helping out …
Read More »Top tips for new university students
Going to university can be one of the most exciting times of your life but it’s fair to say some new students settle in to life on campus easier than others. If it’s your first time living away from home there are a few things to get to grips with, from feeding yourself properly to budgeting correctly. Here are some …
Read More »Money-Free Ways to Help a Charity
It is a familiar feeling; that nagging guilt as you zigzag down the high street, avoiding the charity representatives who want to sign you up for a monthly donation. Dodging the “chuggers”, or charity muggers, as these people are somewhat unfortunately known, is sadly all too common as people feel they are too busy, too stressed and too lacking in …
Read More »Should You Get Married AFTER Having Kids?
In more traditional times, the way to go about things in a relationship was to get together, get married, and then have children. However, now more couples than ever are having children before marriage. For example, politician Ed Miliband is marrying his long term girlfriend Justine Thornton after already having two children together. This makes some people ask the question: …
Read More »10 super ways for moms to make money from home
If you are a stay at home mother and would like to add some cash to your monthly household income, then you should definitely consider one of the following options.
Read More »Four Things You Can Do With Your DVD’s What You’ve Seen Them
Acquiring affordable DVDs has become remarkably accessible nowadays. Most supermarkets offer bargain bins where you can snag films for just a couple of quid, and online shopping has driven down prices, even for the latest releases. As a result, many of us end up with stacks of DVDs collecting dust around the house.
Read More »Parenting Errors We Cannot Afford To Make
Parenting is no easy job. In fact, some will tell you that it’s the hardest job in the world! The balance needed to raise children is so delicate that the most honest of errors can have adverse effects. Here are five parenting errors we cannot afford to make, and often don’t even know we’re making.
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