Career Ideas For Stay At Home Mums



Being a stay at home mum is becoming somewhat of a rarity these days. Financial demands mean that grandparents are kept busy looking after children so their parents can both work to try and make ends meet. Parents who are not lucky enough to have relatives who help with childcare often lose a sizeable chunk of their wages in childcare costs to miners or creches. Being a stay at home parent has been demonised by the government too, who insist that there should be no allowance made for parents who prefer to raise their own children.

Staying at home needn’t mean that access to earnings is completely cut. Now that the internet is available to everyone, possibilities have opened up that were not even dreamed of thirty years ago. If you are a stay at home mum and would like to bring in an income, you will find a few ideas here that may help you to achieve your goal. Read on and form your own opinion.

Carry On With Your Existing Job

If you are an office worker, staying at home may not cause you to stop working. Your boss is probably well aware of the benefits of cloud working. It is simple there days to work in a virtual office where applications, face to face communications, and files can be accessed and shared. Maybe your boss is looking for an opportunity to start moving the operation to the cloud anyway, and this may be the shove that they need. Put a compelling case to them addressing any concerns they may have. The cloud is so versatile that there is a good chance you will be able to work mostly from home with only the occasional visit to the office.

Be A Foster Carer

Foster care is well paid and very rewarding. Once you are assessed and approved for the role, you may be called upon for regular and emergency fostering. You will be performing a valuable service to society and will meet some very interesting people.

Become A Blogger

Writing blogs for a living is a great way for incredibly talented individuals to earn a living. It is hard work with long hours, but it is flexible and ideally suited to the lifestyle of a parent with young children. Look on the internet for search engine optimization companies who may be on the lookout for talented people.

Sell Online

Do you have a talent or are able to offer a service to people who don’t want to employ someone full time? There are sites on the internet where talented people advertise their skills and others buy their services. Similarly, there are many jobs posted that you can bid on. If you win the job, money is paid into an escrow account and released to you when the job is complete. The risk of working and not being paid is minimal.

If you wish to sell items online, use internet auction sites to bring in a little extra cash. Often good quality used goods are found at car boot and jumble sales, and then posted online. Some people make a very good living out of doing this.

So, as you can see, it is still possible to make money when bringing up children if you are determined to do so. Using the internet is probably the most convenient as the computer is at your fingertips. Think laterally, and you could do very well indeed; bringing in a very healthy wage. Good luck with your efforts in finding useful work.

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