A common misconception is that digital connectivity technology is only for young people. In other words, the Internet, social media, mobile communication devices and the like represent technology that is said to be ideally suited to the needs and desires of younger people.

In reality, technology of this nature has more relevance to the unique needs of senior citizens. 21st century technology offers various ways for elderly people to stay connected with the outside world from the comfort of their home. These include
- Using phone and computer apps to connect with friends and family,
- Schedule and organize daily living,
- Shop online and make bill payments online,
- Access emergency services from the touch of a button and
- A number of entertainment and educational opportunities.
One of the biggest challenges in a senior citizen’s life is the prospect of being alone. Senior adults in different age groups experience that loneliness is the biggest hardship of aging. While it’s true that many seniors either live with others in a nursing home or with in-home care providers from agencies like West PACE who provide company and take care of them, it’s not unusual for seniors to want to reach out to loved ones living away from them. With the help of the internet and technological advancements, it is easier to find senior care facilities in their vicinity. For instance, if someone was a resident of Minnesota, they would most likely search for Elder Home Care in Minnesota for the seniors in their family. Finding a senior home in the area also enables the family to visit them more frequently.
That said, it must be mentioned that some seniors balk at the idea of using new technology, fearing that it will be too difficult to use. The fact is that today, the communication resources are very user friendly and easy for a senior to learn and utilize and Facebook and similar platforms are not just for younger folks any longer.
- Skype and similar video platforms make it easy for seniors to have literal face time with friends and family members.
- Joining a social media site allows a senior the ability to socialize, even in real time, with new acquaintances and long lost friends.
- Moreover, there are social media sites that cater specifically to men and women in their golden years.
- Rounding out easy to use communication options, email and even texting is being embraced by an ever increasing number of seniors around the globe.
- Finally, mobile phones allow seniors a crucial link to stay connected to loved ones and emergency services no matter where they happen to be at any given time.
Schedule and Organize Daily Living
Seniors (and their loved ones) commonly complain about the task of maintaining an organized routine or schedule when a person is elderly. Thanks to the latest technology, senior citizens can access easy to use scheduling and organizational app. These digital resources not only permit seniors to develop, maintain and access these online schedules and other tools, but their families can also access them to keep a track of what’s happening.
Shop and Bill Payment from the Comfort of Home
Even though seniors may be physically unable to venture to the market and other stores to shop, that does not mean they are willing to cede their independence. In today’s world, elderly people with limited mobility can shop from everything from groceries to clothing from the comfort of their homes. Some merchants even offer to make same day delivery to senior citizens, for every order placed.
In addition to shopping from home, they can even pay bills online. In most cases, a senior can schedule automatic bill payments, ensuring that that no required payment falls through the cracks.
Access Emergency Services
Family and friends of senior citizens worry about the welfare of their older loved ones. They often tend to find senior care for them and show concern over the prospect of them experiencing a health emergency. With the availability of a number of safety gadgets especially designed to meet the requirements of an ageing people, they can make immediately contact with emergency services of different types at just the push of a button. This includes access to the police and emergency medical services as well.
Entertainment and Educational Opportunities
Seniors seek entertainment and even educational opportunities as they have a lot of free time during the day. Health care professionals maintain that certain types of entertainment activities and certainly learning options assist elderly people in maintaining their memory.
In this day and age, technology brings entertainment and educational opportunities/applications designed specifically for older folks directly to their homes. From movies (including classics from the Golden Age of Hollywood) to engaging educational applications, a senior can pass the time in a productive and enjoyable manner.
The ideal way of connecting seniors with the latest beneficial technology is through the involvement of a more tech savvy friend or family member. As a general rule, the senior adults are more willing, and less apprehensive to learn, if a loved one partners with them in accessing specific applications and resources.
Nina James is the Social Media Coordinator with medicalguardian.com that provides affordable home medical alert system. Medical Guardian is recommended by leading hospitals / healthcare for their excellent services.