The emotional effects of divorce can last for years. The challenge of accepting your new life as a single person is a difficult adjustment, especially if you have children. You may carry feelings of guilt, and have trouble accepting that you’re no longer a family.
However, the only way to move forward is to stay positive. It’s entirely possible to not only survive but even thrive after divorce. Think of it as an opportunity to discover a new side of life in a way you’ve never experienced before.
Here are some of the key elements to moving on after divorce with kids.
Focus On Yourself
You may be so focused on making sure that your children are ok that you’ve forgotten about yourself. Don’t forget that it’s also important to nurture your own needs.
You may want to consider taking on a new activity. Starting a new hobby is a great way to distract yourself and find pleasure in your free time. Not only will it keep your mind focused on something else, but you may make new friends!
Quality Time With Your Children
Depending on your custody agreement, which you may have come up with the help of one of your trusted Custody Lawyers, you might have less time with your children than before. Remember to make your moments together count. Spending quality time with your children doesn’t have to mean grandiose activities or spending money on toys. It can be as simple as playing a board game or watching a movie cuddled on the couch.
When it comes to time with your family, it’s quality over quantity that really matters.
Consider Therapy
You may be full of anger and regrets from your failed marriage. You may feel triggered when you speak to your former spouse. However, after a while, it will only hold you back from moving forward.
It’s important to accept these feelings of bitterness and let them go. Therefore you may want to consider therapy. Therapy can be a great tool in moving your life forward. A therapist can help you learn to accept the things you can’t change and move on from the past you’ve left behind.
Stay Social
When you experience an emotional event like divorce, it’s easy to shut yourself off from the world. However, you’ll feel much better if you allow your friends and family to help you.
Staying busy allows your mind to think about something other than your divorce. Your friends are there to remind you that you’re loved.
Laughter is some of the best medicine out there. Getting together with your friends and family will remind you that there is still plenty of joy to be experienced in life. Ultimately, the more joyful that you are, the better of a parent you can be for your children. Embrace your new life and stay hopeful for the future!
Infographic Provided By Goldberg Law Office