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4 Reasons Your Family Is Always Sick

Having a large family often means that there are a variety of germs passing throughout the homecoming from a variety of locations. Mom brings home colds from the office, while Dad caught the latest flu from an airplane, and the kids are constantly bringing home whatever new strain of bacteria has been picked up on their hands.

If your family seems stuck in a never-ending cycle where one person falls ill just as another gets better, you’re not alone. Many families struggle to understand why sickness seems to linger and rotate among them. One often-overlooked cause is the presence of mold in your home. Mold can release spores that trigger allergies, respiratory issues, and other health problems, keeping your family in a constant state of illness. Before resigning yourself to a life of constant fatigue and sickness, consider having your home inspected for mold. If mold is detected, take immediate action by hiring professional services like mold removal denver (or similar services in your area) to eliminate the problem. Here are some other potential causes which you should also look into.

Too Much Moisture in The Home

If your family frequently seems to be having respiratory issues in particular, then you may want to consider that you have excess moisture in the home. This could be a result of poor ventilation or items that need to be repaired.

When your home has excess moisture, it can lead to mold which can cause all sorts of health issues. Take a look at your walls and ceilings for signs of moisture and leaking to rule out this possibility. If you do notice signs of mold, then you will need to call for expert help immediately. You might see that once you get rid of the mold, many issues such as headaches or allergies almost disappear. Get professional mold damage restoration help so your results last longer. Do not delay it for the sake of you and your family’s health!

Daycare and School

Since children are touching things throughout the day, sticking their hands in their mouths, and school and daycare is a breeding ground for putting all of these children’s germs together, it’s one of the biggest culprits of how germs are introduced to your family.

Although there’s no real way to avoid this unless you pull them out of school entirely, you should encourage frequent hand washing. As soon as they get home they should wash their hands. You may even want to encourage them bringing hand sanitizer in their backpacks.

Poor Diet

It’s important to ensure that your family is getting proper nutrition. When diets are full of empty calories and poor food choices, bodies aren’t getting the vitamins and nutrients that they need to build up a healthy immune system.

Poorly nourished bodies are weaker overall and generally more susceptible to bacteria. Try to make sure that your plates are full of balanced ingredients and a wide spectrum of raw fruits and vegetables in addition to grains and proteins.


Although many people think of stress as being emotional, stress also takes shape physically. A body which is overwhelmed with negativity and stress will start to break down eventually.

If you have an extremely busy schedule or a lot of tension overall in your lifestyle, you may want to ask yourself if this is the cause of your poor health.

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