3 Tips For Teaching Your Kids About Stranger Safety

As a parent, you may hope that your child is never in any kind of danger. And while you may do everything in your power to watch over and protect your kids, they can’t just stay behind the fence in your yard forever. So when they are out and about without you, it’s important for them to know how to identify people who may want to harm them and have a plan for how to handle these types of situations. To help make this concept easier for everyone in your family to know, here are three tips for teaching your kids about stranger safety.

The Concept Of Tricky People

While the idea of “Stranger Danger” used to be what children were taught, Terri Peters, a contributor to Today.com, shares that the concept of “Tricky People” may help you kids better understand when there’s potential danger. Rather than teaching your kids that all people they don’t know could be dangerous, the idea of tricky people teaches your kids how to identify if someone is trying to trick them into doing something they shouldn’t. For example, Peter shares that tricky people are adults that ask kids for help rather than asking adults for help. Also, tricky people try to get kids to break rules that their family has set. When things like this happen, your kids will be alerted that something’s not right.

“No, Go, Yell, Tell”

For many parents, it’s a hard balance to try to teach your kids to be respectful of adults while also trying to keep them safe around adults who may want to harm them. One way you can teach them how to be safe while trying to be respectful is to teach them “No, Go, Yell, Tell.” The National Crime Prevention Council shares that by teaching your kids this process, they’ll be comfortable saying “no” to an adult that’s asking them to do something they’re uncomfortable with. If the situation progresses, your child will know that they should leave the area, yell to get attention from trusted adults, and tell those trusted adults what happened. The last thing you want as a parent is to have your kid keep a potentially dangerous experience to themselves.

Identify Trusted Adults

In order for your child to feel safe when you’re not around, you should help them know how to identify trusted adults. Ziba Kashef, a contributor to BabyCenter.com, shares that while your kids probably already know that Grandma and Grandpa are trusted adults, you should help them know that people like teachers, police officers, security guards, store employees, or another parent with kids could be good examples of trusted adults. When your child needs help and no one that they know is around, teach them that it’s usually safe to ask these other people for help.

If you’re unsure about how to teach your kids about safety around strangers, use the tips mentioned above to help you teach these principles effectively.

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